When the algorithms and automations don't cut it, you need a winning playbook.

Your Revenue Rescue Plan

by Luis BĂĄez

A step-by-step action plan designed for ambitious solopreneurs and B2B sales professionals

Create your own playbook for building deep connections with prospects, plugging leaks in your sales funnel with authenticity, and finally achieving the revenue breakthrough you deserve.



Before I tell you all about this action plan, let me tell you who it’s for...

Your Revenue Rescue Plan is for ambitious go-getters like you. You’re not afraid of hard work, but you're done chasing your tail. You're ready to make an impact and a whole lot more money—without compromising your authenticity.


You are ready to level up your game, attract clients like bees to honey, and rake in the big bucks with genuine, no-nonsense strategies. Imagine transforming your passion for helping others into a thriving business that not only changes lives but also pads your wallet. This plan is your golden ticket to making it happen.


You crave a rock-solid plan to turn leads into loyal clients and watch your business growth skyrocket. No more spinning your wheels with cold leads; you’ll have a clear, actionable path to success that’s as satisfying as finding the perfect pair of jeans on sale.

Service Providers

You want to smooth out your sales process, build unbreakable client bonds, and see their profits soar. Think of it as your secret sauce for turning potential clients into raving fans who can’t wait to work with you.

B2B Sales Pro

You are all about sharpening your sales chops, smashing objections, and sealing the deal with flair. You’ll be the sales superhero who closes deals faster than you can say “show me the money.”

Sales Leaders

You are determined to supercharge their teams, implement killer sales playbooks, and drive revenue through the roof. Picture your team hitting targets like a boss, all while having a blast and feeling unstoppable.

After implementing this plan you will have...

A sales playbook you can quickly implement in your sales process or business (and teach your team as you grow)

A simple framework for selling services or products that doesn't involve a lot of preparation and planning

A streamlined process to help you consistently close customers and give you greater confidence about your pipeline

A repeatable solution for plugging holes in your sales process that will help you and your buyers see lasting results

A strategy for rescuing your revenues if you're not hitting your goals, and don't have time for complicated solutions

But more than anything else, you Your Revenue Rescue Plan will give you the confidence to finally show up as your whole self and do things your way in your sales process.

Here’s what you get access to right away:

Experiences That Sell

You'll design a buying process that balances value and urgency—like mixing the perfect cocktail. To help you shake things up and get those sales flowing, I’ve got a customizable playbook ready for you. This baby will optimize your sales process faster than you can say, “Show me the money!” With this playbook, you’ll have the frameworks and tools to make your sales strategy smooth, efficient, and oh-so-effective.

Discovery That Delights

Ready to make your prospects fall in love with you on your sales calls? Learn the 5 layers of building trust that guarantee a delightful buying experience. And because I know you want results fast, I’m hooking you up with a done-for-you framework and call flow. Think of it as your cheat sheet to sales success—no overthinking required. Let’s turn those calls into conversions and make revenue magic happen!

Cadences That Convert

Ready to make your emails pop like confetti? Send sales outreach that stand out and speak directly to your prospects about what matters most to them. And because I know you're busy, I’ve got your back with customizable, plug-and-play templates. No fuss, no stress—just effective, engaging emails that boost your sales game and make you the revenue wizard you were destined to be. 

Videos That Connect

Ready to learn the 4 key phases of a customer’s journey and when to drop those perfectly timed personalized videos? I’ve got the scoop. To help you implement them seamlessly, I’m giving you every script you need to customize for your customers. Think of it as your personal guide to making those videos shine and your sales soar.

Proposals That Persuade

Ready to learn the 5 critical elements of a persuasive proposal and the perfect sequence for presenting the details? I’ve got you covered. To help you quickly implement this strategy, I’m providing you with customizable proposal templates. These templates are your secret weapon for crafting proposals that wow your prospects and close those deals.

Authentically Overcoming Objections

Ready to tackle objections like a pro while keeping your integrity and authority intact? Learn the formula for overcoming objections and boost your confidence. To help you get there fast, I’m providing you with a framework and customizable talk tracks. These tools will make handling objections a breeze and turn those “nos” into enthusiastic “yeses.” Let’s get you prepped, polished, and ready for the sales ring.

Bonus Content

Guess what? Your Revenue Rescue Plan comes with a treasure trove of bonus content, ready for you when you're ready to take things to the next level. And the best part? I regularly update the program to keep you ahead of the game with fresh insights, new strategies, and even more tools to ensure your success. So, not only will you get the initial boost you need, but you'll also stay on top of your sales game with ongoing updates.

Keeping Things Actionable


I know you’re pressed for time and need to hit goals, so I keep things snappy and actionable.

  • Step-by-Step Overviews: Each phase of the action plan, broken down for easy implementation.

  • Tool Recommendations: Get moving quickly with the best tools in the biz.

  • Templates and Swipe Files: Discovery call questions, sales video scripts, and copy-paste emails for fast, hassle-free prospecting.

  • Pro Tips and Mindset Hacks: Straight from a Silicon Valley sales exec to elevate your buyer's experience and boost your revenue.

Here are just some of the perks you'll get access to:

Behind-the-scenes updates I don't share anywhere else

Access to all content on all devices using the Kajabi app

Video chat support to help you implement quickly

What It's Like to Learn With Me

What's Stopping You?

Fear? Doubt? Procrastination? Let’s squash those excuses right now. Your Revenue Rescue Plan isn’t just a good idea; it’s the best move you can make for your career. Whether you’re fresh out of the gate or a seasoned pro, there’s always room to grow. This plan is your career jumpstart. Let’s crush those sales goals together and turn your potential into unstoppable success.

Why YOU deserve to see results and revenue...

The fact that you’re reading this tells me you’re someone who doesn’t give up without giving it your all. After all the hours you’ve spent flipping through sales books, listening to business podcasts, and searching for answers on LinkedIn—you deserve to feel success.

Forget the noise. The economy has always been uncertain. Most people forget the most critical thing about selling—you’re always in control of the actions you take and decisions you make. While everyone is out there talking about how “bad” things are, you’ve decided that you’re going to develop a sales process that doesn’t leave anything to chance or trends.

With the frameworks and tools in Your Revenue Rescue Plan, you’ll not only find tactical solutions to move deals forward but also get doses of inspiration and mindset hacks that will help you see the bigger opportunities and get the results you deserve on repeat.

Let’s make your success inevitable.