When the algorithms and automations don't cut it, you need a winning playbook.


Your Revenue Rescue Plan

A step-by-step action plan designed for ambitious solopreneurs and B2B sales professionals who are committed to making a bigger impact on their customers and their income. Build real connections with your prospects, plug the holes in your leaky funnel with authenticityโ€”and finally see the revenue breakthrough you deserve.

(launching early 2024)


Before I tell you all about this action plan, let me tell you who it’s for...

Your Revenue Rescue Plan is for ambitious people like you. You’re not shy about working hard for what you want but you’re tired of running in circles, chasing your own tail, and you’re ready to make an impact and a whole lot more money—without compromising your authenticity.

Whether you’re…

  • a solopreneur who’s tired of spending more time trying to sell than serving buyers, only to come up short in your business account
  • a B2B sales professional who’s frustrated making all the effort to move deals forward, only to have prospects ghost you

… consider yourself in the right place at the right time.
Your Revenue Rescue Plan will give you the frameworks, tools, and inspiration you need on your path to greater sales success you deserve.

And I’ll show you how! (Keep scrolling, my friend)

After implementing this plan you will have...

A sales playbook you can quickly implement in your sales process or business (and teach your team as you grow)

A simple framework for selling services or products that doesn't involve a lot of preparation and planning

A streamlined process to help you consistently close customers and give you greater confidence about your pipeline

A repeatable solution for plugging holes in your sales process that will help you and your buyers see lasting results

A strategy for rescuing your revenues if you're not hitting your goals, and don't have time for complicated solutions

But more than anything else, you Your Revenue Rescue Plan will give you the confidence to finally show up as your whole self and do things your way in your sales process.

Here’s what you get access to right away:

Experiences That Sell

Carefully design a buying process and experience that balances value and urgency. To enable you to quickly optimize your sales process, I provide you with a customizable playbook.

Discovery That Delights

Learn the 5 layers of building trust during a sales call that ensure a delightful buying experience for your prospects. To enable you to quickly see results, I provide you with a framework and call flow.

Cadences That Convert

Implement emails that stand out from the crowd, and speak directly to prospects about what matters most to them. To enable you to quickly implement these strategies, I provide you with customizable, plug-n-play templates.

Videos That Connect

Learn the 4 key phases of a customer’s journey, and the best moments to strategically introduce personalized videos. To enable you to quickly implement them across your sales process, I provide you with every script to customize for your customers.

Proposals That Persuade

Implement the 5 critical elements of a persuasive proposal, and the strategic sequence for presenting the details. To enable you to quickly implement this strategy, I provide you with customizable proposal templates.

Authentically Overcoming Objections

Learn the formula for overcoming objections while maintaining integrity and authority. To enable you to quickly build your confidence, I provide you with a framework and customizable talk tracks.

Keeping things actionable, because I know you’re pressed for time and need to hit goals.

  • Step-by-step visual overviews of each phase of the action plan 
  • Recommendations for tools to use to get moving quickly 
  • Templates and swipe files so you can implement fast without overwhelm (including questions for discovery calls, done-for-you scripts for sales videos, and copy-and-paste emails for easy prospecting) 
  • Pro tips and mindset hacks from a Silicon Valley sales executive to help you elevate your buyer's experience and your revenue results

Here are just some of the perks you'll get access to:

Behind-the-scenes updates I don't share anywhere else

Access to all content on all devices using the Kajabi app

Video chat support to help you implement quickly

Why YOU deserve to see results and revenue...

That fact that you’re reading this right now tells me you’re someone who doesn’t give up without giving it your all. After all the hours you’ve spent flipping through sales books, listening to business podcasts, and searching for answers on LinkedIn—you deserve to feel success.

Forget the noise, the economy has always been uncertain. Most people forget the most critical thing about selling— you’re always in control of the actions you take and decisions you make. While everyone is out there talking about how “bad” things are, you’ve decided that you’re going to develop a sales process that doesn’t leave anything to chance or trends.

With the frameworks and tools in Your Revenue Rescue Plan you’ll not only find the tactical solutions to move deals forward, but you’ll also get the doses of inspiration and mindset hacks that will help you see the bigger opportunities and get results you deserve on repeat.